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A-Z Video Games

Cheat mode:
Press C-Left, C-Right, Left, Right, L, R, Z at the main menu to display a cheat screen with multiple options.

Buy anything:
Press Z + R to display a menu with ground and air units, regular and advanced buildings, and upgrades and research.

Special Cheat:
Play through the game until you get to the third episode (Protoss). Successfully complete the last round on that episode to unlock the Special Cheat (Invincibility).

Info Mana:
Play through the game until you get to the sixth episode (Zerg/The Last Episode). Successfully complete the last round on that episode to unlock the Info Mana cheat.

Mega Build:
You can get the Mega Build cheat disc in the first level of the Zerg mission (X-1: Vile Disruption) in Brood War. After you save the first two hives, go down into a corner, by following the path to the right, and you will see a data disc. Touch it to unlock the Mega Build cheat, which allows you to build faster.

Fog Of War Off:
Play through the game until getting to the Protoss mission (Brood War) X-03: Legacy of the Xel 'naga. Go to the small island after Corsairs fly by at the beginning of the mission. Touch the white flag to unlock the cheat.

Give Me Cash/Gas:
Play through the game until getting to the Terran mission (Brood War) X-07: Patriot's Blood. Locate the second Terran computer beacon in the room with four civilians. Use the bottom door to exit. Move to the right until the fire bats are encounter. Go through that area and locate the Ursadon being held in a cell. Use a marine open the cell door and approach the Ursadon. Move all your units into the cell when it asks to be hugged and press B. This cheat will give you 1000 minerals and gas.

Open Tech Tree:
Play through the game until getting to the Original Episode 3 (Protoss) level 6: Into The Darkness. When the mission begins, go down the hall until you get to the stairs. Do not go down the stairs -- instead turn to your left and proceed down the hall. The adviser will tell you to turn back. Go back a short distance, then go back toward the dead end to get the cheat.

All Upgrades:
Play through the game until getting to Episode 1 (Terran) level 4: The Jacobs Installation. You will start in a room with a door. Go through it and up through the hallway. There is a missile shooter in the wall at the end, a door that goes up, and a hallway that goes left and right. Go through the right side hallway (with the missile shooter). Just take Jim Raynor and do not attack the orange civilian (move Raynor with the "Move" button instead of B so he does not shoot him.) Talk to him and he will tell you not to kill him and that he will give you the cheat. Continue through and he will disappear and he will give you the All Upgrades cheat. Note: You have a short period of time to reach the orange civilian, so be quick.

To enable the screen to center down on the orange civilian, you have to get a unit to his side of the hallway in a limited amount of time.

All Research:
Play through the game until getting to Zurg level 06: The Amerigo. Reach the part where the Marines shoot the Zerglings in the pen. You will also see a cage full of animals. Get Kerrigen to the bottom left of the pen to get the cheat.

Control all three groups:
Play as the Protoss against at least one Terran group and at least one Zerg group. Use your Dark Archon with the Possess ability and possess a Drone and a SCV. After doing this you can use the drone to build Zerg structures and the SCV to build Terran structures.

Bonus multi-player mission:
Successfully complete level nine in the Zerg Brood War Episode with at least five minutes remaining. Note: No cheat codes can be used in any mission, including the last mission.

Faster map movement:
Hold Z while moving around the main map.

Hidden sounds:
Repeatedly select a person until he says a phrase that is not normally heard during normal game play.

Hint: Completing Terran Mission 3:
Build about five SCVs to mine for you. Use some to repair Bunkers and Vultures. Then, build about four bunkers at each entrance, but focus on the left entrance. Then, send a squad of 12-15 marines to attack the Zerg in the north. Remember, the more you attack the enemy base, the less they will have at the end

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