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Full life:
Enter an Inn or save game point and sleep. Then press B at the save game screen to exit without saving the game.

Hint: Finding Elements:
When looking for Elements on your journey, look for "bubbles" shooting out of the ground. They resemble smoke shooting out of the ground from a distance. When this location is approached, a question mark will appear. Tap A, and the Element selection menu will appear. Then, just choose the type of Element you wish to build.

Hint: Element stone in the hay:
After you leave the castle, turn left and go to the stable with the horse. There is an element stone in the hay pile.

Hint: Avoiding enemy magic:
There is little time to dodge an enemy spell in battle. Hold the Analog-stick over while the enemy is casting a spell. By the time the spell arrives, your character should be out of the way. Note: Practice is required with this trick, since it does not automatically work all the time.

Hint: Avoiding Earth-based magic:
Run towards any monster that uses Earth-based magic while they are attacking. They always miss if Brian is close enough to the monster. Since their stone attacks are more powerful then their physical attacks, this strategy will also conserve hit points.

Hint: Easy Zelse battle:
When facing Zelse in the battle for the Wind Jade, Brian can avoid his second attack by standing six or seven steps away from him. When in this position, Brian will be able to easily outrun his attack.

Hint: Easy Mammon battle:
Walk as close to Mammon as possible and use the Earth spell, Avalanche. Since Mammon is so big, almost every rock will hit him, doing about 70 points of damage each. It also helps if you first activate Magic Barrier.

Hint: Easy Boss battles:
Before facing Bosses such as Guilty, Begis, or Mammon, collect as many Dragon potions as possible. During the battle with the Boss, use the Magic Barrier spell under Earth magic. Brian will be protected against magic attacks, allowing him to attack the Boss without harm. Use the Dragon potions to restore MP to cast the spell again when it wears off.

Hint: Staff attack:
Having all the Elements is still not as powerful in combat as using the staff. When used successfully, the staff almost always does more damage to most enemies than the Elements.

Hint: Entering the Forest:
Before entering the forest, fight the enemies around the sign and the trees.

Hint: Preferred Elements:
The best Elements, in order, are: Earth, Fire, Water, and Wind.

Another recommendation is , in order, Wind, Fire, Earth, and Water. Wind is weak in the beginning but is the strongest Element in the game at the end

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