Video Games
A-Z Video Games |
Twists level:
Enter FBBC VBBB FBBC VBF7 as a password. This is deathmatch level with a 1:40 time limit and rocket launcher. Enter FLBC ZBBB FLBC ZBB9 to play the level under the medium difficulty setting or FVBS LBBB 7VBC 3BB5 to play under the hard difficulty setting.
Additional costume colors:
Enter S3TC 00LC 0L0R S??? as a password.
Low gravity in multi-player mode:
Enter S3TL 0WGR V1TY ???? as a password.
Unlimited ammunition in multi-player mode:
Enter S3T1 NF1N 1T3S H0TS as a password. Note: This code also allows higher jumps.
End level:
Enter F60? VQCH ?BHF DQQL as a password