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DK Mode:
Successfully complete the Chicago: Stealth level under the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent difficulty settings.

Small Jo:
Successfully complete the G5 Building: Reconnaissance level under the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent difficulty settings.

Small characters:
Successfully complete the Area 51: Infiltration level under the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent difficulty settings.

Team heads only:
Successfully complete the Air Base: Espionage level under the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent difficulty settings.

Play as Elvis:
Successfully complete the Area 51: Rescue level with a time less than 7:59 under the Perfect Agent difficulty setting.

Slow motion single player:
Successfully complete the Datadyne Research: Investigation level under the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent difficulty settings.

Successfully complete the Area 51; Escape level with a time less than 3:50 under the Agent difficulty setting.

Successfully complete the G5 Building: Reconnaissance level with a time less than 1:30 under the Agent difficulty setting or load a Perfect Dark Game Boy Color version file.

Marquis of Queensbury rules:
Successfully complete the Datadyne Central: Defection level with a time less than 1:30 under the Special Agent difficulty setting.

Jo shield:
Successfully complete the Deep Sea: Nullify Threat level under the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent difficulty settings.

Super shield:
Successfully complete the Carrington Institute: Defense level with a time less than 1:45 under the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent difficulty settings.

Enemy shields:
Successfully complete the Carrington Institute: Defense level under the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent difficulty settings.

Enemy rockets:
Successfully complete the Pelagic LL: Exploration level under the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent difficulty settings.

Perfect Darkness:
Successfully complete the Crash Site: Confrontation level under the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent difficulty settings.

Rocket launcher (Jo in solo mode):
Successfully complete the Datadyne Central: Extraction level under the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent difficulty settings.

Sniper rifle (Jo in solo mode):
Successfully complete the Carrington Villa: Hostage One level under the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent difficulty settings.

Superdragon (Jo in solo mode):
Successfully complete the Area 51: Escape level under the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent difficulty settings.

Laptop gun (Jo in solo mode):
Successfully complete the Air Force One: Anti-Terrorism level under the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent difficulty settings.

Phoenix (Jo in solo mode):
Successfully complete the Attack Ship: Covert Assault level under the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent difficulty settings.

Psychosis gun (Jo in solo mode):
Successfully complete the Chicago: Stealth level with a time less than 2:00 under the Perfect Agent difficulty setting.

Trent's Magnum (Jo in solo mode):
Successfully complete the Crash Site: Confrontation level with a time less than 2:50 under the Agent difficulty setting.

Farsight (Jo in solo mode):
Successfully complete the Deep Sea: Nullify Threat with a time less than 7:27 under the Perfect Agent difficulty setting.

Classic weapons (Jo in solo mode):
Win all golds on the firing range to unlock the PP9I, CC13, KLO1313, KF7 Special, ZZT, DMC, and RC-P45.

Classic sight:
Successfully complete the Datadyne Central: Defection level under the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent difficulty settings.

Unlimited Laptop gun ammunition:
Successfully complete the Air Force One: Anti Terrorism level with a time less than 3:55 under the Perfect Agent difficulty setting.

Hurricane Fists:
Successfully complete the Datadyne Central: Extraction level with a time less than 2:03 under the Agent difficulty setting or load a Perfect Dark Game Boy Color version file.

Unlimited ammunition:
Successfully complete the Pelagic LL Exploration level with a time less than 7:07 under the Special Agent difficulty setting.

Unlimited ammunition no reloads:
Successfully complete the Air Base Espionage level with a time less than 3:11 under the Special Agent difficulty setting.

X-Ray scanner:
Successfully complete the Area 51 Rescue level under the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent difficulty settings.

Successfully complete the Skedar Ruins: Battle Shrine level under the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent difficulty settings or load a Perfect Dark Game Boy Color version file.

All guns in Solo mode:
Successfully complete the Skedar Ruins: Battle Shrine level with a time less than 5:31 under the Perfect Agent difficulty setting or load a Perfect Dark Game Boy Color version file.

Alien (Buddies):
Successfully complete the Attack Ship Covert Assault level with a time less than 5:17 under the Special Agent difficulty setting.

Hit And Run (Buddies):
Successfully complete the Carrington Villa Hostage One level with a time less than 2:30 under the Special Agent difficulty setting.

Hot Shot (Buddies):
Successfully complete the Area 51 Infiltration level with a time less than 5:00 under the Special Agent difficulty setting.

Pugilist (Buddies):
Successfully complete the DataDyne Research-Investigation mission with a time less than 6:30 under the Perfect Dark difficulty setting.

Velvet Dark always available (Buddies):
Successfully complete the Datayne Research Investigation level with a time less than 6:30.

Mr. Blonde's Revenge mission:
Successfully complete all solo missions under the Agent, Special Agent, or Perfect Agent difficulty settings.

Maian SOS mission:
Successfully complete all solo missions under the Special Agent or Perfect Agent difficulty settings.

War! Mission:
Successfully complete all solo missions under the Perfect Agent difficulty setting.

Duel mission:
Collect all the weapons in the solo missions and achieve a Bronze rating or higher for each weapon at Firing Range.

Perfect Darkness difficulty setting:
Successfully complete all solo missions under the Perfect Agent difficulty setting.

More multi-player levels and weapons:
Successfully complete the challenges in single player mode to unlock new multi-player levels and weapons.

Hiding your screen:
Use the following trick to hide your screen to prevent ambushes in multi-player mode. Hold R and press C-Down(2) to duck all the way down. When you are low to the ground, hold R + C-Down to hide your screen. Try to duck even lower when you are as low as you can get. Turn off radar to add to the fun.

Hint: Area 51: Rescue wall:
There is another way to get through the wall in the Area 51: Rescue mission without using the bomb crate. Throw your Dragon onto the ground with the proximity self-destruct on. Back away and use you pistol to blow up the gun, causing the way to break open. There will be another, more powerful, gun once you get inside.

Hint: Chicago Stealth: Bombspy:
Go to where the dumpster and the explosive barells are located. Move the dumpster next to the barrels. Blow it up and get the bombspy.

Hint: Complex hidden area:
There is a slightly hidden area in the multi-player level "Complex" that is very easy to reach. Just look for a small area in the wall that has metal grates on three sides. You can climb up one of the sides. Then, run on the roof over to an item in the opposite corner (Item #5).

Hint: Complex ramp trick:
Think of the main room in Complex that has two big ramps and a sniper window looking in. If you ever feel cornered, just run under a ramp, as though you were trying to climb up the ramp from the back. It looks like you are going to have to duck down to fit, but at the last second you will magically pop up on top of the ramp, which will disorient your opponent enough to let you turn around and run off up the ramp.

Hint: Counter-Op levels:
Have one human player take control of Joanna and another human player take control of a guard. Have the player as the guard kill the other guards for Joanna to easily pass the level The other guards will not shoot back - they will just run away if they are not killed.

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