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Sega Dreamcast
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A-Z Video Games

Type Of Game
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Controller Pak
Rumble Pak
Memory Pak
WWF No Mercy
1-4 Simultaneous

Highlight Tanka Michinoku at the character selection screen, then press C-Left or C-Right.

Highlight Terri at the character selection screen, then press C-Left or C-Right.

Fabulous Moolah:
Highlight Mae Young at the character selection screen, then press C-Left or C-Right.

Gerald Brisco:
Highlight Earl Hebner (after he is unlocked) at the character selection screen, then press C-Left(2) or C-Right(2).

Highlight Godfather at the character selection screen, then press C-Left or C-Right.

Howard Finkel:
Highlight Earl Hebner (after he is unlocked) at the character selection screen, then press C-Left or C-Right.

Highlight Ivory at the character selection screen, then press C-Left or C-Right.

Jim Ross:
Highlight Jerry Lawler (after he is unlocked) at the character selection screen, then press C-Left or C-Right.

The King:
Highlight JR at the character selection screen, then press C-Left or C-Right.

Michael Cole:
Highlight Earl Hebner (after he is unlocked) at the character selection screen, then press C-Left(3) or C-Right(3).

Mick Foley:
Play Championship mode under the World Heavyweight Division. Win every match until you have completed the season, including the Royal Rumble to unlock Mick Foley.

Pat Patterson:
Highlight Jerry Lawler (after he is unlocked) at the character selection screen, then press C-Left(3) or C-Right(3).

Paul Bearer:
Highlight Earl Hebner (after he is unlocked) at the character selection screen, then press C-Left(2) or C-Right(2).

Bull Buchanon (Bossman style):
Highlight Bull Buchanon at the character selection screen, then press C-Left or C-Right to change his costume.

Can be bought from SmackDown Mall for a $500,000.

RTC Ivory:
This requires minor editing of Jacqueline's costume #4 (which is Ivory #2). You can give her the RTC music and give her the RTC shirt or a long skirt, all of which are available by default in the appearance edit area.

Alternate costumes:
Press C-Left or C-Right at the character selection screen.

Alternate opening sequence:
Change the outfit of any wrestler that appears in the opening sequence. Turn the Nintendo 64 off and back on. That wrestler will look different in the opening sequence.

Random wrestler:
Press C-Down at the character selection screen.

Steal opponent's ground moves:
Get a special, then press A + B when your opponent is on the ground.

Steal opponent's special (standing front):
Get a special, then Strong Grapple and press Punch + Grapple when in front of your opponent.

Steal opponent's special (standing rear):
Get a special, then Strong Grapple and press Punch + Grapple when behind your opponent.

Steal opponent's special (turnbuckle front):
Get a special, then Strong Grapple and press Punch + Grapple when your opponent is in the turnbuckle facing the ring.

Steal opponent's special (turnbuckle rear):
Get a special, then Strong Grapple and press Punch + Grapple when your opponent is in the turnbuckle facing the crowd.

Manager assistance:
Start a single match, then hold C-Up + C-Down + Z on controller three if your wrestler is player one to have a third player control your manager. Hold C-Up + C-Down + Z on controller four if your wrestler is player two to have a fourth player control your manager.

Hint: The Real People's Elbow:
Obtain a special when playing as the Rock. Strong Grapple your opponent and Irish Whip him into the ropes. When your opponent is near you, tap the Analog-stick. The Rock should do a spine breaker and look out towards the crowd. Immediately press A when you still have your special.

Hint: The 3D:
Irish whip your opponent to the ropes, When he retuns, have both Dudleys press A simultaneously while in front of your opponent. You do not need to have a special.

Hint: Put opponent through tables:
Even though there is not an official table match, you can plow your opponent's head through one. At most of the ring sides, you will find Jr and the Kings' announcement table. Go to it and climb it as if it were the ring. Get your opponent to go up (he will follow you) and make any move that either he alone or both of you fall and the table is history.

In the Locker Room backstage area, there is a table you can slam opponents through just like the announce table.

In the Bar backstage area, there is a billiards table you can slam opponents through.

Leave the screen (into a different "stage") and return -- the tables are back and can be broken again.

Hint: Fully winning a championship:
In order to fully win a championship, you must successfully complete it twice with one character, then twice with another.

Hint: Easy cage or ladder match win:
Keep choking your opponent until his attitude meter is losing it, then climb the ladder or cage.

Hint: Easy cage match win:
At the beginning of the match, climb in the corner of the cage. When your opponent runs to the side of the cage to shake it, just switch sides and taunt him until you get your special. Then, go up until you are over. Your opponent will continue to shake the cage until you have won.

Beat your opponent down, and when he is at danger, perform the "Tree of Woe". Let him sit there and climb the cage.

Hint: Easy ladder match win:
During a ladder match, knock your opponent down then do a submission hold on them. After doing the submission hold, they will tap out. Set up the ladder and climb it. When the game indicates you to tap, start tapping Hit.

Hint: Easy title win:
Win any single title in championship mode and save the game. Go to the Smackdown Mall and create a very weak wrestler. Leave the mall and go to an exhibition special referee match with yourself as the ref, and the title that you want. This will put the champion against a player that you choose. Choose the weak created wrestler and start the match. When the created wrestler pins the champion, do a fast count to give him the win and the title. Then, fight the created wrestler in an exhibition match with the wrestler you want to be the champion, and defeat the weak created wrestler.

Hint: Easy way to keep title:
When in a Title match, just get counted out and you will keep your title.

Hint: Lose intentionally:
This trick works with any match that involves pins and submissions. Its very useful in championship mode when you have to lose matches in order to progress the different story lines. Hold the Analog-stick in any direction when your opponent has you in a submission hold or pin. You will submit or get pinned on the first try. The submission takes a little longer, but will work on the first try nonetheless.

Hint: Interference:
When a person interferes in your match, throw that person out of the ring about twenty seconds later and they will not get back in.

Hint: Another dancer:
To get someone else to dance when Too Cool or Rikishi wins, change the fourth costume of any of them.

Hint: Faster specials:
To get a quick special (very useful in survivor mode), attack either Viscera, Rakishi, Mark Henry or Andre the Giant. You will not be able to do any moves except for a Body Slam or a Back Drop. However, if you manage to lift the wrestler up, you will increase your spirit by double Do this a few times consecutively and your special will appear. Note: If you do not succeed the first time, throw him in the ropes and Hard Strike him -- you will be able to lift him after that.

Hint: Hidden characters for free:
Begin game play in survival mode. If you do not get eliminated, secret characters will appear. If you hit them out of the ring, they will be unlocked without needing to spend money or going through championship modes. Note: This does not work if a CPU wrestler hits out the secret character.

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