Video Games
A-Z Video Games |
Big players:
Enter BIGBIG as a code.
Big head mode:
Enter BRAINY as a code.
Larger sticks:
Enter STICKS as a code.
View ending sequence:
Enter VICTORY as a code.
Fast game play and clock:
Enter FAST as a code.
Very fast game play and clock:
Enter FASTER as a code.
Enable camera flashes:
Enter FLASH as a code.
No goalies:
Enter PULLED as a code.
Harder checking:
Enter CHECK as a code.
Alternate goal sounds:
Press Z when the instant replay begins after scoring a goal. Press Z again to hear more sounds or hold Z to activate your opponent's rumble pak.
Five minute power play:
Get into a fight, and do not press any buttons. The referee will call a five minute major on the other team.