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Video Games
Sega Dreamcast
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A-Z Video Games

Type Of Game
Number of Players
Controller Pak
Rumble Pak
Memory Pak
Mortal Kombat Trilogy
Tournament Fighting
1-2 Simutaneous
Williams Entertainment

Unlimited kredits:
Press Down(2) Up(2), Right(2), Left(2) during the story screen. A sound will confirm correct code entry. After the next match is lost, "freeplay" will appear in the remaining kredits window.

Extra options:
Press Up + Start on the Kombat Mode selection screen. Options to enable or disable timer, aggressor, blood, and kombos will appear.

Enable blue "?" menu:
Press RUN, HP, LP during the story screen (C-Down, B, A using the default controller configuration). Shao Kahn will say "Outstanding" to confirm correct code entry. Press Up + Start at the options screen to display a second question mark icon.

Bonus Galaga-type game:
Fight 100 two player matches consecutively and a game called Land Of Rellim will begin.

Bonus Pong game:
Fight 50 two player matches consecutively.

Bonus Space Invaders-type game:
Press Z when an object appears over the moon on the pit stage of a two player match. The sound of a bell will confirm correct code entry. The winner of that round will play Invaders From Space.

Stage select:
Highlight Sonya and press Up + Start on the character select screen. The screen will shake and a boom will be heard to confirm correct code entry. You will be able to select a stage after choosing your character.

Random character select:
Highlight Noob Saibot for player one, or Rain for player two, on the character selection screen. Hold Up and press Start. The cursor will select a random character.

Fight Khameleon:
Quickly press Down + Start if the word "Toasty" is heard on the Star Bridge stage. This usually happens after a number of uppercuts are successfully made. The phrase "Player 1, get ready" will appear followed by the Living Forest stage with Khameleon.

Fight as Human Smoke:
Choose Cyber-Ninja Smoke as a character. Hold Away + HP + HK + Run + BL before the "Fight" screen appears or between rounds. Cyber-Ninja Smoke will explode and change into Human Smoke.

Fight as Motaro:
Select any character to fight in the Jade's Desert, Khan's Tower, or The Wasteland stage. Hold Away + LK+ HK before the match begins. Motaro will replace your character after an explosion. You will revert back to your original character after winning the match. To continue playing as Motaro after the match, enter the code on round one and round two in a two player game. Then, player two should choose not to continue. Motaro will be playable in a one player game until a match is lost.

Fight as Shao Kahn:
Select any character to fight in The Rooftop, Pit Three, or Khan's Cave stage. Hold Down + HP + LP before the match begins. Shao Kahn will replace your character after an explosion. You will revert back to your original character after winning the match. To continue playing as Shao Kahn after the match, enter the code on round one and round two in a two player game. Then, player two should choose not to continue. Shao Kahn will be playable in a one player game until a match is lost.

Fight as Khameleon:
Press C-Right, C-Up, A, B, C-Down, C-Up, C-Right during the story screen. The name "Khameleon" will be spoken to confirm correct code entry. Khameleon's moves/fatalities/combos depend on what color her name is on her life bar. If her name is blue, she is Kitana; when it is green she is Jade; and when it is purple she is Mileena.

Super endurance mode:
In a single player game, highlight Kano and press Down + Start on the character select screen. The screen will shake and Shao Kahn will say "You'll never win" to confirm correct code entry. Choose your character and select the hardest path. All matches except the first two and the last will be endurance matches. The first match will be against Khameleon, the second match will be against Motaro and the last match will be against Shao Kahn. Some of the endurance matches have at least six opponents to fight in the same match.

Johnny Cage's Triple Head Punch Off fatality:
Hold HP + BL + LP during Johnny Cage's Head Punch Off fatality. Johnny Cage will punch three heads off.

Exploding Babalities:
Perform a babality move. Hold HP + LP + HK + LK when the screen turns black and your opponent turns into a baby. Continue to hold the buttons as the baby turns back into an adult and explodes.

Hidden fatality sounds:
Hold LP on both controllers to hear Shao Kahn say "Crispy" during the Scorpion's Lair fatality. Hold BL on both controllers to hear Dan Forden say "Crispy" during the same fatality. Hold Down during the Deadpool fatality to hear a gurgling sound.

Easy Ultimate Kombat Kodes:
Continually sweep the D-pad or Analog-stick in a clockwise Full-Circle when the story screen appears. The Kombat Kode screen will appear.

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