Video Games
A-Z Video Games |
Game | ESRB
| Type Of Game |
Number of Players |
Controller Pak | Rumble Pak
| Memory Pak |
Developer | Publisher
Mischief Makers
1 Player
Sound test:
Press Left + A + C-Left + C-Right + Start at the title screen.
Bonus ending:
Achieve an "A" on every level and collect the fifty-two gold gems. Hit the target on Teren that appears during the ending sequence for a slightly different version.
Bonus levels:
Collect all fifty-two gold gems and view the entire ending sequence. Press R after the last screen with the stages to access twelve bonus levels.
Skip introduction sequences:
Press Z.
Faster speed:
Repeatedly tap Right during any of the running sequences to move faster and win the race.
Hint: Creating a clanbomb:
Place four Bombs into a clanpot and shake it to create a Clanbomb.
Hint: Creating a ninja start:
Place two Flowers into a clanpot and shake it to create a Ninja Star.
Hint: Creating a Boomerang:
Place three Ninja Stars into a clanpot and shake it to create a Boomerang.
Hint: Creating a Green Gem:
Place six Blue Gems into a clanpot and shake it to create a Green Gem.
Hint: Creating a Gold Gem:
Place two Green Gems into a clanpot and shake it to create a Gold Gem.
Hint: Getting Red Gems:
Shack the first Clancer in level 3-8 to get thirty gems. Exit the level and start it again for another thirty gems.
Hint: Getting Mole's Gold Gem:
Throw the mole into the air, then hit his stomach to get his gold gem.