Video Games
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Zelda: The Ocarina Of Time
1 Player
Click Here For A Printable Walkthrough For Zelda: The Orcarina Of Time!
Hidden pictures:
Go to where Zelda is met for the first time. Look into the window on her left, as you enter. Pictures of Yoshi, Princess Toadstool, Mario, Bowser and Luigi can be seen. Look from different angles to see them all. Throw something into the window with Mario to receive 20 rupees. Throwing something into the other window will result in a lit bomb being thrown back at Link.
As a child, go to Lon Lon ranch and a little girl will be singing. Look down at her shirt to see a small Bowser emblem.
Hint: Star Wars cameo:
Go into the Bombchu Bowling Alley in the market as child Link. Press C-Up to switch to the first-person look-around view. Look at the music machine of the bowling alley to see that R2D2 has found an interesting job.
Hint: Breaking open boxes:
To break open a regular brown wooden box, just run at it and press A. Link will roll and smash open the box. This is useful when finding all the chickens and to get a Skulltula in the Marketplace room with the pots.
Hint: Items from trees:
Roll into a tree in Hyrule field or in a town. The tree will randomly give Rupees, Hearts, Deku Nuts or other items, but at times will not give anything. Note: If you roll into the tree near a bunch of stones in a circle at Hyrule Castle, a golden Skulltula will appear. This trick also works at the tree closest to the entrance at Kakario village and Zora's river.
Hint: The chicken game:
When at Lon Lon Ranch, go visit Talon, the character you woke up before at Hyrule Castle. Accept his offer when he asks if you want to play a chicken game. To catch the three chickens, move to the corners of the room and just start grabbing all the chickens. It helps if you watch where at least one of them lands, to capture one quickly. As a reward for completing the game, Link will receive a bottle of milk which restores five hearts to his health.
To capture the chickens easily, pick up all the chickens before talking to Talon. Place the chickens in the corner between the table, the stairs, and Talon. They will stay there and allow Link to find the super chickens without the other chickens wandering around.
Hint: Extra chicken:
Get the Longshot and go to the village as an adult. Go to the roof with the man to see the windmill. You should also see an opening without a door. Look closely at the opening to see a light brown object. Shoot it with the Longshot and you should should see a staircase. Go up the staircase to find a chicken. Pick it up, and go through the "fan". You can go to that roof with that opening to get the heart by the cow