Video Games
A-Z Video Games |
Game | ESRB
| Type Of Game |
Number of Players |
Controller Pak | Rumble Pak
| Memory Pak |
Developer | Publisher
Madden NFL '99
1-4 Simutaneous
Tiburon Entertainment
EA Sports
Hidden stadiums:
Enter OURHOUSE at the code screen to play in the Tiburon stadium or EASTADIUM to play in the EA Sports stadium.
Tomato quarterback:
Enter SPLAT at the code screen.
Faster runningbacks:
Enter TURBO_TIME at the code screen. Press A during game play to run faster.
Random stadiums:
Press R or Z at the stadium select screen.
Pass automatically:
Press A to snap the ball, then wait without pressing any buttons or directions. The quarterback will automatically throw a pass to the receiver that is most open.
High stepping into the endzone:
Get within 10 yards of the endzone and press Jump (default is C-Up) to high step if there is enough room between the player and any defenders.
Dancing player:
Score a touchdown, then press C-Up or C-Down while in the end-zone.
Dancing referee:
Press B(2), A, C-Up at the coin toss screen.
Quick time out:
Hold R and press Z.
Always elect to receive:
Repeatedly tap Start at the coin toss screen.
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