Video Games
A-Z Video Games |
Game | ESRB
| Type Of Game |
Number of Players |
Controller Pak | Rumble Pak
| Memory Pak |
Developer | Publisher
Mace: The Dark Age
Tournament Fighting
1-2 Simutaneous
Fight as Pojo!:
Perform Taria's execution in one or two player mode. Start another match, highlight Taria, and hold Start on the character selection screen. Pojo! will appear as a selectable character. Continue holding Start and press Quick to select Pojo! as your character.
Fight as Grendal:
Accumulate three wins in two player mode. Start another match, highlight the Executioner, and hold Start at the character selection screen. Grendal will appear as a selectable character. Continue holding Start and press Quick to select Grendal as your character.
Fight as Gar Gunderson (War Mech) or Ichiro:
Press Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down at the first screen to appear when the Nintendo 64 is powered on. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Ichiro and Gar Gunderson will appear above the Executioner on the character selection screen.
Screen centering:
Hold L + R + Z and move the Analog-Stick and D-pad in the same direction.
Alternate costumes:
Highlight a character and press L, R, C-Up, C-Down, C-Left, or C-Right at the character selection screen to select from five additional colors.
Grendal's devil costume:
Accumulate three wins in two player mode to unlock Grendal. Highlight the Executioner, and hold Start at the character selection screen to make Grendal appear. Select Grendal's alternate costume by pressing C-Down. His alternate costume will make him look like the Devil.
Two player practice mode:
Highlight "Practice" and press Start simultaneously on controllers one and two.
Stage select:
Highlight any fighter at the character selection screen and press Start(4) to fight on his or her stage. Complete character selection normally and begin game play.
Random opponent AI:
Highlight Hellknight, Xiao Long, Dregan, or Namira on the character selection screen and press Start. Then, select a character.
Random opponent:
Enable the "Random opponent AI" code and begin a match. Quit the match and enter practice mode to face a random opponent.
Credit refill:
Before the game has one credit remaining, press Start on controller two. Have the player two defeat player one and go on to the next CPU-controlled round. Then, press Start during the match against the CPU and defeat player two. When player one faces the CPU fighter line up, six credits will again be available.
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