Video Games
A-Z Video Games |
Game | ESRB
| Type Of Game |
Number of Players |
Controller Pak | Rumble Pak
| Memory Pak |
Developer | Publisher
Gauntlet Legends
1-4 Simultaneous
Atari Games
Midway Home Entertainment
Hint: Getting a familiar:
Defeat a boss or gain enough levels to get a bird a dragon companion.
When you reach level 25, you receive a familiar; Valkyrie receives an Eagle, Wizard receives a Dragon, Archer receives a Butterfly, and Warrior receives a Dragonfly. Reach level 50 for a better familiar.
Information in this section was contributed by The Penguin.
Hint: Better weapon:
Reach level 10 to receive a better weapon. Reach levels 50 and 99 for additional new weapons.
Hint: Permanent anti-death:
Successfully complete the game to receive permanent anti-death, which allows you to steal health from death.
Information in this section was contributed by The Penguin.
Hint: Turn Death into food:
If you know where Death is hidden, do not open the container. Instead, use a potion nearby and you should hear Death scream. Open the chest or barrel for a fruit.
When running low on health on any level, locate a poison apple and use a potion to turn it into a health-giving apple.
Hint: Play as Sumner:
Exit through the secret door in the last level of The Battlefield, the Trench. Then, collect fifty coins In the bonus level
Hint: Play as the Minotaur:
Go to the Cliff stage in the Mountain Kingdom. Find every switch, then go to the area with the exit. Do not step on the exit portal. Instead, head down until you see a trapdoor with a skull and crossbones. Step on it and you will be transported to a room with many coins. Collect 50 coins to unlock the Minotaur at the character selection screen.
Hint: Play as the Falconess:
Go to the Bonus stage in the Castle World. Collect 50 coins to unlock the Falconess at the character selection screen. She has the same turbo attacks as the Valkyrie.
Hint: Play as the Jackal:
Play through the second level of the Ice World. There is a trapdoor at a dead end on top of the pile of crates at the end. The trapdoor is found by climbing the slanted crates to the top. Then, circle around until you get a chance to go back down. From there, climb the other set of slanted crates, located before the exit, and standing atop the trapdoor. Collect 50 tokens inside the door to unlock the Jackal at the character selection screen. He is a more powerful form of the wizard.
Hint: Play as the Tigress:
Go to the first town level. Find all the main switches and head to the portal. When you reach the portal, backtrack a small distance until you reach a hill with a chest, a switch, and death. Avoid death and hit the switch. Head in the position the switch is pointing and you will reach some zombies and the trap door. Stand on the trap door and collect 50 coins to unlock the Tigress at the character selection screen.
Hint: Start new game with a bonus character:
Unlock one of the secret characters and save the game. Go to the file that has the character on it and select it. Press B at the rumble pak screen to display the select screen. Select "New" to start a new game with the desired character.
Hint: Hidden character name:
Each hidden character has a hidden name. For example, Sumner's is "Sumner", and Tigress' is "Pussy" (as in pussycat). This is confirmed by a growl and the name changing into symbols.
Hint: See turbo attack:
To see your turbo attack, go to the entrance of the Warriors Mountain. Turn around to see a view that is right in front of your character. If your turbo attack meter is charged in the red, use it to see it come straight to the front of the screen. Note: This trick works best with wizard.
Hint: Kill Death:
Death will die when he takes 100 HP or is hit with a potion.
Hint: Stop time and explore:
Get to the first end Boss and have a "Stop Time" item. As you are about to die vs. the Dragon, turn on the "Stop Time" item. Make sure it is still running when you lose the life. Choose to continue, and enter any level besides a Boss level. Time will be stopped in all levels, monsters will not regenerate, and nothing except poisoned food will harm your character. You will also have free reign on any item. However, you will gain hardly any experience points. This may also be done with the "Shrink" item.
Hint:The Ice Axe of Untar:
The Ice Axe of Untar can be found in the Treasury level of the Valkyrie's Castle. This weapon is useful in defeating the Red Dragon in the Warrior's Mountain.
Hint: The Scimitar of Rasha:
The Scimitar of Rasha can be found in the Caverns level of the Warrior's Mountain. This weapon is useful in defeating the Chimera in the Valkyrie's Castle.
Hint: The Flame of Tarkana:
The Flame of Tarkana can be found in the Spire level of the Skytown. This weapon is useful in defeating the Yeti in the Ice Domain.
Hint: Marker's Javelin:
Marker's Javelin can be found in the Fissure level of the Ice Domain. This weapon is useful in defeating The Plague in the Skytown.
Hint: Holy Savior:
As the manual states on page 42, there is a weapon against Skorne (second). The Holy Savior can be found in the second level of battle field.
Hint: Maximum stats:
Play level 1 in the mountain world and finish it without using any of the items that were collected. When you return to the tower, sell your items. Use the money to buy 20 points of stats. Repeat this until reaching the maximum in every stat. Then, when you level up, you should get any of the stat you are missing. Each stat can be raised to 999.
Hint: Easier Boss battles:
Purchase a Five-Way Shot for use in Boss battles.
Use power-ups such as Rapid Fire, Three- or Five- Way Shot, Player Growth, The Phoenix, and some type of Amulet. Make sure you turn them on before you enter the battle, or the Boss will be hitting you while you are switching between power-ups.
Hint: Regaining health:
If you are running low on health, go to the first level of the Mountain Kingdom. Repeatedly play the level to get approximately 500 health 5 potions. If you pick up items and save them by pressing R you can sell them later and get more gold to buy power-ups or more health. The second level of the Mountain Kingdom is a good place for picking up approximately 2000 gold. However, this level is a more risky then the first level.
Hint: Getting experience:
Play an advanced character and enter the first level of the mountain world. You can collect up to 550 life and 950 gold. Going through the level about two times should raise your experience enough to gain a level. Save the power-ups and potions for use or to sell later.