Video Games
A-Z Video Games |
Game | ESRB
| Type Of Game |
Number of Players |
Controller Pak | Rumble Pak
| Memory Pak |
Developer | Publisher
Fighting Force
1-2 Simultaneous
Level select:
Hold L + Z + C-Up + C-Down at the title screen for approximately five seconds. The sound
of a bang will confirm correct code entry and the character selection screen will appear. An
entry for the "Car Park" level will be displayed at the top center of the screen. Press C-Left
or C-Right to select a new starting level. Note: This also enables invincibility to most
attacks. Explosions and special moves will still cause damage. Also, bazookas get 30
rounds of ammunitions and flare guns get 10 rounds.
Hint: More money:
Repeatedly roll against a wall until money appears.
Hint: Restore health:
Keep hitting the soda machines. Drink the cans that appear from them to restore a small
amount of health.
Glitch: Levitating character:
Play the Truck Driver level in two player mode. Allow the trucker to grab one of the players.
Have the other player knock the trucker down as he is just about to toss the first player. The
player that was grabbed will remain in mid-air for the remainder of the game.