Video Games
A-Z Video Games |
Game | ESRB
| Type Of Game |
Number of Players |
Controller Pak | Rumble Pak
| Memory Pak |
Developer | Publisher
Donkey Kong
1-4 Simultaneous
Click Here For A Printable Walkthrough For Donkey Kong 64!
Use Tiny and shrink to enter the fairy-shaped stone building in the main hub. Collect the
camera to start photographing the Banana Fairies hidden in the game and unlock the
"Mystery Menu" options.
DK Theater:
Find and photograph two Banana Fairies to unlock the DK Theater option at the "Mystery
Menu". This option allows all the animation sequences to be viewed.
DK Bonus stages:
Find and photograph six Banana Fairies, then locate Rambi the rhino, and Enguarde the
swordfish to unlock their bonus stages.
Boss battle:
Find and photograph ten Banana Fairies to unlock the Boss Battle option at the "Mystery
Menu". This allows any Boss that already has been defeated to be fought again.
Krusha In multi-player:
Find and photograph fifteen Banana Fairies to unlock the Krusha In Multi-Player option at
the "Mystery Menu".
Cheat Mode:
Find and photograph all twenty Banana Fairies to unlock the Cheat Mode option at the
"Mystery Menu". This allows unlimited items during game play.
Bonus levels:
Find and collect forty Blueprints and bring them to Snide to unlock eight bonus levels (Batty
Barrel Bash, Beaver Bother, Big Bug Bash, Krazy Kong Klamor, Kremling Kosh, Peril Path
Panic, Searchlight Seek, and Teetering Turtle Trouble).
Kasplut colors:
Look at the hair color of a Kasplut when one is encountered. The color will reveal what color
Blueprint he is holding. Green hair indicates a green Blueprint). If the Kasplut has white hair,
then he does not have anything.
Another way to find out the color of the blueprints that a Kasplut has is to check the color of
the shockwave he sends.
Original Donkey Kong mini-game:
Use a Gorilla-Grab to operate the lever in the Frantic Factory area, then play the original
Donkey Kong game. Successfully complete all four stages, then play once more and
complete the game to collect the Nintendo Coin. Find and photograph six Banana Fairies to
unlock the original Donkey Kong option at the "Mystery Menu".
Jetpac mini-game:
Collect at least fifteen Banana Medals, then visit Cranky to play the Jetpac game. Get 5,000
points in the game to collect the Rareware Coin. Find and photograph six Banana Fairies to
unlock the Jetpac option at the "Mystery Menu".
Multi-player mode:
Go to the first level in adventure mode, where you find Diddy. Locate the big pad with King
K. Rool's face in front of Funky's Place. Stand on the pad and press Z. You will be
transported to a "battle arena", where you must defeat a group of small enemies. Once the
timer runs out, you will receive a crown and have ability to play two multi-player games -- a
third-person death match-like game, and a multi-player version of the Battle Arena.
Alternate costumes in multi-player mode:
Press Analog-stick Up or Down after selecting a character. This is in the instruction
manual, but may be useful to gamers that have rented the game.
Alternate ending sequence:
Successfully complete the game after collecting all bananas to view the normal ending,
with an extra sequence with K. Lumsy taking the Kongs for a ride. Successfully complete
the game after getting all the collectibles to view the normal ending, K. Lumsy sequence,
and an extra sequence featuring Cranky.
Swim faster:
When swimming above water, hold B to swim faster.
Quickly swimming stop:
Press C-Up while swimming.
Hint: Accurate orange throw:
Take out your Kong's weapon and activate the aiming feature. Line up the intended target
and throw the orange as normal.
Hint: Invincible Kong in Frantic Factory:
Once Donkey has opened up the gate that allows you to enter the Battle Arena, switch to
either Diddy or Tiny. Go down into the hole but do not kill the Kasplat or you will have some
waiting to do. When you are in the hole, the Kasplat cannot harm you. You can make it
even madder by shooting at it. You might try teasing it by jumping through the air between
the shock waves.
Hint: Confused Windup Kremlings in Frantic Factory:
First, activate both Bananaporter #3s. In the lobby area, let the Krems chase you to the BP.
Once you are safely on the other side of the wall, watch as your former pursuer looks
around wondering where you went. Note: Due to its obvious lack of intelligence, it may be a
few seconds until it realizes you are gone.
Hint: King K.Rool pads on islands:
K.Rool pad #1 can be found on your way up to Frantic Factory. You will see a trail of vines.
Go through that trail and then you will see an opening in the wall on the right. Enter and you
will see Snide, a Diddy pad, and a K.Rool pad with a boulder on top of it. Use Chunky to
remove the boulder.
K.Rool pad #2 can be found In the Fungi Forest. You will see a mushroom on the roof. Note
its color, and shoot it with the appropriate character (Red: Diddy, Blue: Lanky, Green:
Chunky, Purple: Tiny, Yellow: Donkey Kong). It will be red first, then another color. On the
fifth time that it is a different color, shoot it with that character and a wall should open to
reveal a Chunky pad. Turn invisible and a pad will appear on the big box in the lobby
Hint: 201st Banana:
Collect all 200 known Bananas so that Donkey Kong gets his hoard back. After collecting all
20 Banana Fairies, a message requesting you to visit the Head Fairy will appear. You must
have Tiny to visit her. She will show you the way to the 201st Banana, that is marked with a
Rareware sticker.
Hint: Restore watermelon meter:
Use the following trick if you are running low on health. Get next to a "Tag Barrel" when low
on health. Jump into the barrel and exit. Your watermelon meter will be replenished.
Hint: K. Rool doors:
There are some doors that have pictures of items in the last level to get to K. Rool, .To past
them, you need those items. The first door has a picture of four Battle Crowns and the next
door has a picture of the Rareware and Nintendo coins. You cannot ignore the Donkey
Kong and Jetpac games. They must be completed to get the coins to open that door.
Hint: Rainbow Coins:
Locate the dirt mounds marked with "DK" scattered throughout the game. Stand on top of a
mound, then hold B to attack and send a shockwave to destroy the mound. A large
Rainbow Coin will appear that results in five Banana Bunch Coins for each Kong.
Hint: Reload ammunition without crates:
Go to Funky to fill your fruit guns without using the ammunition crates.
Hint: Restore musical instrument energy:
Another way to restore your musical instrument's energy is to go to Candy instead of going
through her headphones.
Hint: Quicker movement:
Some ways of moving are faster than others. You can roll around by running while holding Z
and pressing B. You can also long jump, by running while holding Z and pressing A.
Hint: Easy multi-player kill:
Allow your opponent to follow you in multi-player mode. Then, teleport, turn around quickly,
face the bananaport pads, and shoot if your opponent also teleported.
Hint: Shockwave attack:
After the camera is collected, hold B for a few seconds as any character. Release the
button for the shockwave.
Hint: Aerial Cartwheel attack:
Press B quickly followed by A when playing as Diddy Kong.
Hint: Monkey Smash secret passage in multi-player mode:
Enter Monkey Smash stage 1 in multi-player mode. The secret passage is located in the
area where the green and silver wall is. Go through the hole closest to the first bananaport
pad. As you enter the hole on your right, go through the wall where the green and silver wall
Click Here For A Printable Walkthrough For Donkey Kong 64!