Video Games
A-Z Video Games |
Game | ESRB
| Type Of Game |
Number of Players |
Controller Pak | Rumble Pak
| Memory Pak |
Developer | Publisher
Command And Conquer
1 Player
Adjust battle screen:
Hold R press C-Up or C-Down to magnify and reduce the battle screen.
Easier building:
Highlight a unit to be created from the toolbar, then press A. Hold Z and press A after
receiving the "Unit Ready" or "Construction Complete" message to build the same unit
again without returning to the toolbar.
Hidden message:
Remove all controllers, then turn on the Nintendo 64. Watch the opening images and text
until it reaches the controller screen.
Hint: Build away from base:
To build away from your base, simply create a chain of sandbags to the desired location.
Hint: Use opponent's structures and men:
Use an engineer to get into your opponent's Mobile Construction Unit. This will allow use of
your opponent's structures, men, and more.
Hint: Faster training:
Build more than one Barrack or Hand Of NOD to increase the training speed of a unit.
Hint: Selling vehicles:
Place a vehicle in the repair bay to sell it.
Hint: Selling troops:
Place troops next to or inside the items that are being sold. For example, when playing as
the GDI, build a transport and repair pad and place five soldiers in the transport. Place the
transport on the pad and sell it to get full price for the item and the men.
Hint: Killing multiple grenadiers/flamethrowers:
When attacked by a group of flamethrowers or grenadiers, just kill a few of them to set off a
chain reaction that will kill the rest.
Hint: Gold NOD weapons:
Play as the GDI and capture a NOD airstrip. The GDI forces there will continue to build
NOD weapons with a gold tint.
Hint: Finding money:
Destroy the churches in the villages to find $1000.
Hint: Minigunners for less money:
If you need money and you want to make minigunners, do not train them. Make a Tiberium
Silo and sell it . You will get three minigunners and a small amount of money. For the same
construction time and three times less money you will get the same result: three
minigunners. This strategy will work with any structure other than walls, but the Tiberium
Silo is the cheapest building.
Hint: Build NOD attack chopper:
To build an attack chopper for the Brotherhood of NOD, simply take over their main base
and the option for an attack chopper will become available.
Hint: APC bomb:
Steal or make an APC, and fill it with flamethrower men. Send it to the enemy base and
place it next to a building. When it is destroyed, the flamethrower men will explode. Two
such APC bombs can be used to destry a Construction Yard.
Hint: Faster Ion Cannon and Nuclear Weapon charge:
Build more power plants to get a faster Ion Cannon and Nuclear weapon charge.
Hint: Taking out Lasers:
The fastest and easiest way to take out Lasers is to use three flame tanks -- you will barely
get damaged.
Hint: Taking out Guard Towers and Advanced Guard Towers:
Build Artillery and send them to attack those structures. They shoot from such a long
distance that the Towers can not shoot back.
Hint: Tiberium Factories:
When you destroy all your opponent's Tiberium Factories, you can shoot one of their
structures a few times for them will sell to it. However, make sure you take out their main
base first or they will not be able to rebuild the Tiberium Factories.
Hint: Keep tanks from getting destroyed:
Get some men and put them in the front of your tank. When the enemy opens fire, they will
shoot at the men instead of the tank.
Hint: Enemy shoot each other:
Take a quick unit and speed it through two enemy units to get them to shoot each other.
Hint: Distracting the enemy:
You can use units such as mini-gunners to distract the enemy and overwhelm them. They
will not attack until the gunner dies.
Hint: Using walls:
Enemies will not attack walls. To use this to your advantage, build them to block enemies
from getting to Tiberium Fields and your base.
Hint: Destroying tanks:
Do not waste a lot of men on an enemy tank. Use two rocket launcher men. A tank will not
crush them and cannot kill both of them before they destroy the tank.
Hint: Winning as NOD:
Build a remote construction site. Then, build a laser turret but do not place it. Send the
construction yard truck close to your opponent's base, then make it into the yard. Quickly
get the laser turret and place it next to the yard. Note: Make sure you have enough power
before you start building.
Hint: GDI targets:
When playing against GDI, they will usually attack your northernmost structure with the Ion
Cannon and A-10's. Another one of their usual targets are Obseliks/Turrets.