Video Games
A-Z Video Games |
Cheat options:
Press C-Left, C-Right, C-Left, C-Right, R(2) at the main menu. Note: This code must be enabled prior to enabling any other code.
Extra points:
Press C-Left(2), C-Right(2), C-Left(2), C-Right(2), R(2) at the main screen under season mode. This code may be repeated as needed.
Bonus teams:
Quickly press C-Up, L, C-Left at the team selection screen in exhibition mode. The sound of a slap shot will confirm correct code entry. Three additional teams will be selectable between the Controller Pak and Anaheim teams.
Full player attributes:
Enter Douglas Yellin as a case-sensitive name at the player creation screen.
Buffed player:
Enter Jim Jung as a case-sensitive name on the player creation screen.
Small player with perfect attributes:
Enter Simon Carbone as a case-sensitive name on the player creation screen.
Powerful player:
Enter grEEn jeLLo as a case-sensitive name on the player creation screen for a big green player.
Super Center:
Enter Perfect C as a case-sensitive name on the player creation screen.
Super Right Winger:
Enter Perfect RW as a case-sensitive name on the player creation screen.
Super Left Winger:
Enter Perfect LW as a case-sensitive name on the player creation screen.
Super Defensivemen:
Enter Perfect D as a case-sensitive name on the player creation screen.
Super Goalie:
Enter Perfect G as a case-sensitive name on the player creation screen.
Random team select:
Press Z + R at the team selection screen.
No goalie:
Pause game play and enter the game options controller configuration screen. Move the controller icon to the opposite side of the screen and press Start to control your opponent's team. Enter the team options screen, select "Pull Goalie", and press Start(2). Return to game options controller configuration screen and bring your team under control again. The CPU team will be missing its goalie until the end of the period or until a goal is scored.