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A-Z Video Games

Extra blocker:
Hold Turbo + Jump + Pass while hiking the ball.

Press A + B to block.

Increase tackling speed:
Quickly and repeatedly press Up + Turbo + Pass + Tackle while on defense.

Sound effect:
Hold Up and press A + B + Z after a play for a bullet sound effect.

Hide plays:
Press Analog-stick Up(2) at the play selection screen to remove the pointer.

Random team selection:
Press Analog-stick Left + Z at the team selection screen.

Onside kick:
Score a touchdown, then select free point when the play screen appears. Then, immediately hold Z + A + B + Analog-stick Up. By the way You can do an onside kick off a 2 point conversion just as when it is done off a free kick. Press the same buttons when the message "No Good" or "Good" appears.

Skip first quarter and third quarter intermissions:
Hold Z + A + B at the end of the first or third quarters.

Win by losing:
Select season mode and intentionally lose a game by 130 points. Your loss will be counted as a win. Note: This may not be done in a playoff game.

Quarterback view:
Select a passing play, jump out of bounds, and pass the ball when out.

Touch back:
Catch the ball in the end zone, then run and jump out one of the sides. Your player cannot leave the end zone and run back in and jump out. If he does it is a Safety for the other team.

Hint: Avoid fumbles:
Do not use the spin move when other players are right next to you.

Hint: Easy yardage:
Go to page 2 in the plays to find the "Da Bomb" play. Use this play to get an easy first down or a last second touchdown. When using this play, walk backwards when you hike the ball and press C-Down to have the quarterback jump. This will help avoid sacks and will him throw farther.

Hint: Easy 90 rating at the end of the season:
Run the ball most of the time and get good runs. Pass every once in a while, but try to limit your play selection to runs.

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