Video Games
A-Z Video Games |
Game | ESRB
| Type Of Game |
Number of Players |
Controller Pak | Rumble Pak
| Memory Pak |
Developer | Publisher
1-4 Simultaneous
Enter MSTSRVV as a password.
Unlimited lives:
Enter LVFRVR as a password.
All weapons:
Enter PLVRZM as a password.
Unlimited ammunition:
Enter LTSFBLLTS as a password.
Enter CRSTLCLR as a password.
All gangs in campaign mode:
Enter LTSLTSGNGS as a password.
Storm Ravens gang:
Enter WMNRSMRTR as a password. The all-women Storm Ravens game, with laser and
cloak power-up will be selectable.
Frog mode:
Enter FRGZ as a password.
Toad gang:
Enter TDZ to replace the Queen Lords with toads.
Run Story mode:
Enter CDPLT as a password.
Psychedelic view:
Enter CNCTHRTM as a password.
Spinning view:
Enter HVRL as a password
Hold C-Left + C-Right + C-Up + C-Down.
Hint: Multi-player weapons power-up:
Begin game play in multi-player mode and collect at least fifteen of one weapon, except for
grenades. Aim at an opponent, then press A + B to fire a powered-up version of that
weapon. When fifteen guided missiles have been collected, it creates a super missile that
is larger, but slower, than normal missiles. After firing this missile, press Z to shoot a
limited amount of lasers from it.
Hint: Drive Goliath tank off rail:
While in the Goliath tank, hold C-Left or C-Right until the tank stops. Then, hold C-Down
until a grinding sound is heard. A message stating that the tank is off the rail will appear.
The tank may now be driven to any location as needed.
Hint: Area 51 teleport:
Begin a multi-player game in the Area 51 level. Shoot both UFOs and enter their debris to
teleport from one to the other.
Hint: Sightseeing:
Begin game play in annihilation mode with two CPU players. Wait until "Loser" appears on
screen after one is defeated, then use the controller to move through the level.
Hint: Indestructible Gun Buddy:
Collect a Gun Buddy, the back up into any wall that can not be destroyed. Drop the Gun
Buddy to insert it into the wall. It will be able to fire, but can not be destroyed.
Hint: Cloaking:
Cloaking will make you invisible, but if you fire or have a queen with you, your tank will
become visible again.